FRX Tremolo System

Floyd Rose
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Floyd Rose continues its legacy of innovation with the brand new surface-mounting FRX Tremolo System for Les Paul, SG, and Flying V-style guitars. The FRX is a direct swap for the Tune-O-Matic and stopbar type bridge system, using the existing mounting stud holes and requiring no routing whatsoever. The locking nut mounts behind your guitar's existing nut, in place of the truss rod cover.

The FRX locking nut has mounting holes on the left and right; only two wood screws have to be installed to mount the nut.

If your guitar has?áa lesser headstock angle than the standard 17?? which will prevent the strings from seating properly in the existing nut, you will need the?áFRX Custom Locking Nut with Spacer?áinstead. Please let us know if you are having this issue.

Watch Floyd himself guide you through the installation and set-up variations of this brand new tremolo system.

Installation instructions PDF

*NOTE: On some Les Pauls, particularly LP Customs, the neck angle is not sufficient to allow the FRX to work without slight modification to the body. ?áThe receiving portion of the spring tension transfer rod on the base plate extends slightly below the bridge and may rest on the body unless a tiny channel is routed.

For tremolo dimensions, please see the PDF here. ?áFor nut dimensions, see here.

Please check the bridge measurements before purchasing or attempting installation. ?áSome TOM-style bridges have slight dimensional differences.

*Note: If you plan on having the bridge in a full-floating mode, we highly recommend that you keep the nylon trem-assist ball post in place.?á This piece helps compensate?áthe difference in leverage point on the FRX and the multitude of guitar setups.

The FRX Tremolo is protected under U.S. Patent number 9,818,382
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