Floyd Rose Microfiber Polishing Cloth - 15.5 x 15.5"
Lint-free microfiber polishing cloth for cleaning your Floyd Rose Tremolo System and other plated guitar hardware.?á Microfiber easily cleans smudges and oils while absorbing water to prevent corrosion, leaving nothing behind but a streak-free?ápolished?ásurface.
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Allen Wrenches
$1.90 $1.50
Allen Wrenches
Genuine Floyd Rose Allen Wrenches for Floyd Rose Tremolo Systems. ?á Sizing: Floyd Rose Original, 1000 Series, Special, Hot Rod Series, 1984:?á2.5 mm & 3 mm Floyd Rose Pro:?á2 mm, 2.5 mm & 3 mm Floyd Rose Speedloader:?á3 mm, 2.5...
$1.90 $1.50
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