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Bullet Jack Guitar Wrench


The patent pending Bullet™ guitar jack tightener from Big Rock Engineering is a must-have accessory for every guitar player. The patented Grip-Tip™ holds the jack while tightening, preventing damage to wiring and solder joints. Similar products require additional wrenches or tools to work, and are made of metal which can scratch and damage your hardware and finish. The Bullet has everything you need in a quality plastic tool that fits in the palm of your hand.

With the Bullet at your disposal, you'll never take your jackplate off again to tighten things up.

The Bullet fits US-sized 1/2 inch nuts for 1/4 inch jacks.

Tighten or loosen your guitar's input / output jack with no other tools, and without jackplate removal, in three easy steps:

1) Position the socket head around the nut on your guitar jack.
2) Firmly push the Grip Tip down onto the guitar jack opening to hold it in place.
3) Use the swivel handle to tighten or loosen the nut and the jack.

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Bullet Jack Guitar Wrench

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